Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Set up Google Anylytics On Your Blogspot/Blog

Google Analytics is a service for tracking your traffic. It will show you information about your visitors: from where did they came to your blog, what keywords they was using in search engines (to find your blog), from that back links they came from, the countries where they live, landing pages etc.
 How to setup Google Analytics:
 1. First of all, you need to have Google account. Just go to Google and create it. After that, go to Google Analytics page and sign in and click sign up.
 2. Enter your blog URL, account name, choose your country and click "Continue".
 3. Enter your last name (optional), first name (optional), telephone (optional), country, click "Continue".
 4. Read the following terms and conditions bla bla bla (optional =)))), check the checkbox, and click "Create new Account".
5. Now you will get a code. You need to put it in to your blog template. Go to your blogger account -->Layouts --> Edit HTML --> Backup your blog. Copy and paste the code into the bottom of your content, immediately before the </body> tag . Save your template. Go back to Analytics page and click "Continue".
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