Showing posts with label SEO Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SEO Tips. Show all posts

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

11 Legitimate Ways To Generate Easily Backlinks

Search Engine Optimization is a major buzz these days. One of the most vital part of search engine optimization is to generate large number of quality backlinks. The term quality refers to many factors like do follow links,the blog/website which is linking back and the anchor text used for the backlink etc.

 Though we should keep in mind backlinks are not only meant for improving your search ranks but it also serves a greater purpose of bringing new readers to your blog. This is why in this post we will also focus on creating backlinks that may not be dofollow but is potential enough to bring traffic.

 Those are the following techniques that I had figured out,in order to create backlinks to your blog

1. Guest Posts

 Guest posts are perhaps the most common way,that all bloggers adopt to gain genuine backlinks. These guest posts also serve as a doorway to our blogs. Concentrate on writing good informative articles for guest posts. If the visitor like’s your post then they will surely land on your blog for more good content. There are certain points that should be taken care of while writing a guest post.

 Make sure you write something related to your blog content,this is because,if people visit your blog following the link they will look for content relevant to the topic of the guest post. And if they don’t find any,all your effort will go in vain & you will loose a potential visitor.
 Try to deeplink your guest post with links in your domain & use proper anchor texts to do that. But please maintain relevance, just do not put them only for the purpose of deeplinking.
 Also see : Why Guest blogging wins and why you should host a guest blogger

2. Commenting

 Well we also know about this technique to achieve backlinks. This process on the other hand helps us create relationship with other commenter as well as the blogger who wrote the article. This is far more easier way to scatter your blog url everywhere. But just do not end up commenting “Great Post” or “It was worth reading” type comments. Because this may please the admin to publish the comment(thereby giving you a backlink),but none other future viewers will be impressed enough to visit your blog for more.

 And there is yet another concern that most of the blogs do not provide dofollow links in comments. So the url in the comment just do not serve any purpose. So make sure you are commenting on a blog that do not assign a nofollow link & if they does then make your comment useful(adding value to the post) so that at least it serves as a gateway to your blog.

3. Related commenting

 This is about commenting too. But as the name suggests it is a little bit different. I personally experimented this technique to get genuine visitors & not do follow backlinks. Let me explain. Take any of your post that you consider is really great to be talked about. Now using Google search,look out for posts that also writes about the same topic as that of your post. Open the 20 top ranked articles in the search results in tabs. Now for each of them, gallop through the article & post a comment talking something on it. Something means if it had missed something or you think some part needs more explanation.

 Finally add these words, “you all could also refer to this post on your-selected-post-title” & put the link of the selected post on your-selected-post-title. These comments really works in bringing visitors. But I must remind you that, please do not spam as it hurts back in the long run.

4. Social Networking

 This is the best part for any blogger. Doing work & making friends on the same time. I bet that we(bloggers) all are to some extent addicted to these social networking sites like,Twitter,Facebook,Friendfeed etc. But while we enjoy these we could spend a little insight to these in order to extend our blog. Look out for people who are equally interested. Join discussion boards related to your blog. Help people there & make friends. Suggest them with some informative links on your blog. If your post solves the problem then it is sure to get praised by someone making any other future reader to follow your link. Well importing feeds is a common way to talk about your posts as soon it gets published.

 But this does not generate buzz for new bloggers as they do not own large reader base neither do they have the trust of too many readers. So as it infers, personal interaction always works better than automation. So import your feeds as well as interact with people & build your brand.

5. Bookmarking Sites

 As like social networking,bookmarking sites like Digg,Stumbleupon,,Technorati plays a vital role in bringing lots of traffic to our blogs. We are mostly familiar with the pinging services that pings those bookmarking servers whenever we hit the publish button. I am not going to say much on that. Instead I believe in personal interaction. Participate in the bookmarking sites personally thereby building your authority there. This may not help immediately,but if consistent can bring immense traffic after a couple of months effort.

6. Article Submission

 This is a not-so-old technique adopted these days. There are lots of websites that has a article trading system. For the sake of this article I will not talk about the money factor. This is similar to writing guest post. But it has a multiplied effect. You write an article & then submit it to the article directories. If it is selected it will get featured in their pages. Now you get a backlink from them. The multiplied effect comes into act when someone else is interested in your post. These article directories lets others re-publish your articles depending on some condition i.e. they have to give the author(which is you) proper credits(your name, your blog name & a link to your blog). So you write once & it gets scattered without any more further effort. Here is a detailed guide on article marketing and answers to commonly asked questions.

7. Forum Activity

 Forums are real places with real people. I mean to say this is a place where you can earn visitors that will follow you for long time. This is just because, in forums you get to help people & people really stay addicted to those who solves their problem. But how does it(forum) earn backlinks ?? There are two ways to do that

 Simply look out for problems that people who are looking for a solution for and which you have already covered in any of your earlier articles. Just tell them in a nutshell there & put a link to that article of yours as a detailed discussion.
 But if you face a problem that you haven’t covered up earlier in your posts but you know how to solve it. I suggest create a blog post with the solution first & then do as said in the earlier step. So you hit two target simultaneously.Create a post as well as earn visitors for it.
 Try to help others and solve problems. If you create a good resource and provide free support to people in the forums,they are bound to visit your blog and eventually they will become your fan. For further reading read 17 ways forums help you becoming a better blogger.

8. Conditional Re-publishing

 This is an extension of the article submission(point 6) concept. Let others contact you if they want to re-publish your content. Give them conditions as in step 6. This will not harm you regarding content duplicity. As your url will be first indexed as the legal one. If there is an issue, it will be with him who has copied it. So forget about it.

9. Blog Networks

 Though this is a very minor factor in increasing backlinks still I feel like mentioning this here. Join blog networks with high PR. This may not give you large amount of visitors but still the backlinking goal for SEO is fulfilled.

10. Plugin Development

 This is strictly for those who have knowledge in coding. This works really well to get large amount of dofollow backlinks. This is achieved by putting a dofollow link to your blog in the plugin setup page. So whenever somebody downloads & uses this plugin the plugin resides within their domain & the backlink also resides there. So you get tons of backlinks in very short time(if your plugin is worth using). But this is bad in one way. Sometimes the search engines penalize you for sudden surge in backlinks which is of course not acceptable.

11. Conditional Link Love

 “Sharing is Caring”. This technique is not something I really rely upon & hence it is ranked as the last. Communicate with other bloggers in your niche & personally request them to put you in their blogroll & in return,you also do the same. This not only creates dofollow backlinks but it also lets you spread your brand as well as making relations in your niche.

 Well I’m sure that this is not all but all I tried here is to give you a idea of what earns the most backlinks for you. I am sure you could find out many such ways yourself if you give it a try. I will be greatly thankful if you could share your ideas here which you think has earned loads of backlinks for you.
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20 SEO Terms You Must Know

If you have a website or blog, or if you work with anything related to the Internet, you’ll certainly need to know a bit about search engine optimization (SEO). A good way to get started is to familiarize yourself with the most common terms of the trade, and below you’ll find 20 of them. (For those who already know SEO, consider this post as a refresher!). 1. SEM: Stands for Search Engine Marketing, and as the name implies it involves marketing services or products via search engines. SEM is divided into two main pillars: SEO and PPC. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, and it is the practice of optimizing websites to make their pages appear in the organic search results. PPC stands for Pay-Per-Click, and it is the practice of purchasing clicks from search engines. The clicks come from sponsored listings in the search results.
 2. Backlink: Also called inlink or simply link, it is an hyperlink on another website pointing back to your own website. Backlinks are important for SEO because they affect directly the PageRank of any web page, influencing its search rankings.
 3. PageRank: PageRank is an algorithm that Google uses to estimate the relative important of pages around the web. The basic idea behind the algorithm is the fact that a link from page A to page B can be seen as a vote of trust from page A to page B. The higher the number of links (weighted to their value) to a page, therefore, the higher the probability that such page is important.
 4. Linkbait: A linkbait is a piece of web content published on a website or blog with the goal of attracting as many backlinks as possible (in order to improve one’s search rankings). Usually it’s a written piece, but it can also be a video, a picture, a quiz or anything else. A classic example of linkbait are the “Top 10″ lists that tend to become popular on social bookmarking sites.
 5. Link farm. A link farm is a group of websites where every website links to every other website, with the purpose of artificially increasing the PageRank of all the sites in the farm. This practice was effective in the early days of search engines, but today they are seeing as a spamming technique (and thus can get you penalized).
 6. Anchor text: The anchor text of a backlink is the text that is clickable on the web page. Having keyword rich anchor texts help with SEO because Google will associate these keywords with the content of your website. If you have a weight loss blog, for instance, it would help your search rankings if some of your backlinks had “weight loss” as their anchor texts.
 7. NoFollow: The nofollow is a link attribute used by website owners to signal to Google that they don’t endorse the website they are linking to. This can happen either when the link is created by the users themselves (e.g., blog comments), or when the link was paid for (e.g., sponsors and advertisers). When Google sees the nofollow attribute it will basically not count that link for the PageRank and search algorithms.
 8. Link Sculpting: By using the nofollow attribute strategically webmasters were able to channel the flow of PageRank within their websites, thus increasing the search rankings of desired pages. This practice is no longer effective as Google recently change how it handles the nofollow attribute.
 9. Title Tag: The title tag is literally the title of a web page, and it’s one of the most important factors inside Google’s search algorithm. Ideally your title tag should be unique and contain the main keywords of your page. You can see the title tag of any web page on top of the browser while navigating it.
 10. Meta Tags: Like the title tag, meta tags are used to give search engines more information regarding the content of your pages. The meta tags are placed inside the HEAD section of your HTML code, and thus are not visible to human visitors.
 11. Search Algorithm: Google’s search algorithm is used to find the most relevant web pages for any search query. The algorithm considers over 200 factors (according to Google itself), including the PageRank value, the title tag, the meta tags, the content of the website, the age of the domain and so on.
 12. SERP: Stands for Search Engine Results Page. It’s basically the page you’ll get when you search for a specific keyword on Google or on other search engines. The amount of search traffic your website will receive depends on the rankings it will have inside the SERPs.
 13. Sandbox: Google basically has a separate index, the sandbox, where it places all newly discovered websites. When websites are on the sandbox, they won’t appear in the search results for normal search queries. Once Google verifies that the website is legitimate, it will move it out of the sandbox and into the main index.
 14. Keyword Density: To find the keyword density of any particular page you just need to divide the number of times that keyword is used by the total number of words in the page. Keyword density used to be an important SEO factor, as the early algorithms placed a heavy emphasis on it. This is not the case anymore.
 15. Keyword Stuffing: Since keyword density was an important factor on the early search algorithms, webmasters started to game the system by artificially inflating the keyword density inside their websites. This is called keyword stuffing. These days this practice won’t help you, and it can also get you penalized.
 16. Cloaking. This technique involves making the same web page show different content to search engines and to human visitors. The purpose is to get the page ranked for specific keywords, and then use the incoming traffic to promote unrelated products or services. This practice is considering spamming and can get you penalized (if not banned) on most search engines.
 17. Web Crawler: Also called search bot or spider, it’s a computer program that browses the web on behalf of search engines, trying to discover new links and new pages. This is the first step on the indexation process.
 18. Duplicate Content: Duplicate content generally refers to substantive blocks of content within or across domains that either completely match other content or are appreciably similar. You should avoid having duplicate content on your website because it can get you penalized.
 19. Canonical URL: Canonicalization is a process for converting data that has more than one possible representation into a “standard” canonical representation. A canonical URL, therefore, is the standard URL for accessing a specific page within your website. For instance, the canonical version of your domain might be instead of
 20. Robots.txt: This is nothing more than a file, placed in the root of the domain, that is used to inform search bots about the structure of the website. For instance, via the robots.txt file it’s possible to block specific search robots and to restrict the access to specific folders of section inside the website.
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Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Set up Google Anylytics On Your Blogspot/Blog

Google Analytics is a service for tracking your traffic. It will show you information about your visitors: from where did they came to your blog, what keywords they was using in search engines (to find your blog), from that back links they came from, the countries where they live, landing pages etc.
 How to setup Google Analytics:
 1. First of all, you need to have Google account. Just go to Google and create it. After that, go to Google Analytics page and sign in and click sign up.
 2. Enter your blog URL, account name, choose your country and click "Continue".
 3. Enter your last name (optional), first name (optional), telephone (optional), country, click "Continue".
 4. Read the following terms and conditions bla bla bla (optional =)))), check the checkbox, and click "Create new Account".
5. Now you will get a code. You need to put it in to your blog template. Go to your blogger account -->Layouts --> Edit HTML --> Backup your blog. Copy and paste the code into the bottom of your content, immediately before the </body> tag . Save your template. Go back to Analytics page and click "Continue".
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How to Get Your Blog on the First Page of Google Trick

How about 5 easy tips about how to get your blog on the first page of Google? Yeah, I see you are shaking your head and smiling. I think you are understand that if your blog will get on the first page of Google - you will get much more traffic to your blog, because bigger part of Google users use only first page of Google search results. That's why it is so important to get on the first page of search results. Believe me or not, but this method is working. For example, I have a collective social blog (or community) where everyone can make their own posts, share articles, tips, reviews and knowledge -, most of the posts are about Tech/Gadgets, reviews, how to's. It is also useful because you can submit an unique article there and put backlinks to your blog or posts from your blog (link will be without nofollow tag). So, all my posts on are on the first page of Google search results (most of them in Top 5, some of them on the first position!)
5 Tips - How to Get Your Blog on the First Page of Google:

  • Submit posts with unique content. Your blog content must be unique, content is a king! Do not steal content from other blogs, Google will see everything! If you really like someone's post, you can re-wright it. Your content must be 99% unique. Don't wright every hour, it is too much. Submit 1-3 posts / day and keep this tempo.
  • After you will create 10 posts on your blog, you must add your blog sitemap (rss) to Google Sitemap. If you have Blogger blog - use your RSS, if you are using, for example, Wordpress - create sitemap with Google Sitemap Generator or create your own sitemap. After adding - Google will crawl your sitemap everyday and he will know about all your new posts. Remember, Google will love you if you will have blog with good, quality and unique content.
  • Add your blog and RSS to blogs and RSS catalogs and readers. Use Google to find them. This will give you lot of free backlinks and traffic.
  • Submit some unique articles to article directories. Don't forget to put backlinks with anchors to your blog and to some of your posts. Articles must have the same subjects as your blog or post. Do not submit too often.
  • Put your backlink everywhere where its possible. Put your link to DMOZ, make answers on Yahoo! Answers (use backlinks in your answers), make comments on different blogs, and submit your articles to social bookmarks.

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Why People Don’t Visit Your Web Site – Blogger Tips

We always encourage online users to visit our websites or blogs. But it is not easy any why people always don’t visit your website although you have done your part? There are few reason here:-

No original content – It’s important to give your visitors information they can’t find any-where else. If you’re the only source for a certain type of information, people will flock to your web site.

No free News – Supply news stories related to your web site. People want up-to-date news on the topics they are interested in. They will also be interested in visiting your web site.

No free contest or sweepstakes – People like to win things. If you can fulfill that need, people will stop by to visit your website more often.

Offer free e-zine – Most people love to get free information that they’re interested in emailed to them on a regular basis. This saves them time and money.

No free community – People like to have a place were they can have discussions with others on certain topic. You could add a chat room or message board or forum to your web site.

No free Software – Most people like to find good deals on software for their computers. If the software is free, that is even better.

No free affiliate program – One of people’s basic needs to survive is money. When you offer them a free opportunity to make money they’ll line up to visit your web site.

No free online utility – When you offer a utility that can solve a problem, people will visit your web site. The utility could be a free autoresponder, e-mail account, search engine submission, etc.

No free directory – Create a directory of web sites on a particular topic that is related to your target audience. People will visit because they will find what they’re looking for, all in one place.

No free samples product or service – Have you ever been to a website and you jumped at the chance to get a free ebook?
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Monday, 11 March 2013

20 Tips How to Increase your Blogger/Blogspot Traffic?

  • Participate in related Forum.
  • Bookmarking sites
  • Read and provide valuable comment on other blogs.
  • Submit blog site to search engines.
  • Add RSS subscription link like feedburner
  • Ping the blog when you have new post such as
  • Sign-up with StumbleUpon and download the toolbar.
  • Join
  • Submit article to ezines
  • Link exchange
  • Search engine optimizations (SEO)
  • Word of mouth
  • Provide rich contents in your blogs
  • Participate in Joint ventures
  • Publish your own ebook
  • Join Affiliate Networks
  • Buy links but not encourage
  • Email marketing
  • Media advertising
  • Per Per click advertisement such as Google Adwords, YPN and MSN
  • Do you have any other ideas?

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Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Blogger/Blogspot

Previously we have learn the tips how to increase your blogger/ traffic. There are many ways to attract traffic to your site, lets look at the following ideas might help bloggers jump to the sky:-
1. Trade links – Many webmaster trade link with other web sites and the site must be related to the subject of your web site. Instead of trading links, you could also trade banner ads, page ads, classified ads.
2. e-zine – Start e-zines for your web site. Sign up e-zine directory and publish e-zine to let people read each issue in order to revisit your web site.
3. Online community – Form an online message board, e-mail discussion list or chat room. When people get involved in your community they will regularly return to communicate with others.
4. Write articles – Submit your articles to e-zines, web sites and magazines that accept article submissions. You can include your business information or signature or web address at the end of the article.
5. Freebies – Give away and allow your visitors do the same. This will increase your web exposure and attract people to your web site at the same time.
6. Product packaging – Combine your products or services into one big package deal with other businesses offerings. You could share a web site and advertise the package deal.
7. Directories – Submit your freebie to the online directories that list your particular item or service for free. If you’re offering a free e-zine, submit it to all the free e-zine directories on the internet.
8. Message boards – Post answers to other people’s questions and ask questions and post appropriate information. You may Include your signature at the end of all your postings.
9. Classified or sponsor ads – Exchange with other free e-zine publishers. If there is a huge subscriber difference between e-zines, one can run more ads to make up for it.
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Sunday, 10 March 2013

Google Webmasters Site Verification WordPress Plugin - Download

Google Webmasters tools is a useful service of Google. Using Google Webmasters tools, you can check several things about your website or blog. Before using Google Webmasters tools, you must verify your website in Google Webmasters tools. Verification is not a difficult task however Google has made more easier by launching their official plugin for Wordpress called " Google Webmasters Site Verification WordPress Plugin". Here is how you can use this plugin.

How to Verify Site using Google Webmasters Site Verification WordPress Plugin
Using this plugin, you can easily verify your self-hosted. Google needs verification to ensure that we own the website. After verification, you will get a lot of information about your website's performance and ranking in Google search engine.

Until Now, there were only few methods to verify your website i.e. meta tags, links to Google Analytics or upload an html file to your server or as recommended add a DNS record to your domain name configuration. But now, Using official plugin, you can easily get the job done in few minutes. Follow these steps.

Install Google Verification Plugin in your WordPress blog
Activate This Plugin
Click on "Start Verification" from left sidebar of WP admin.
Now click on "Grant access"
Its Done!

This plugin has made the verification process really very easy. This will make more easier to know the valuable records of your website using Google Webmaster Tools.
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SEO Tips for Social Networking Websites

Social networking sites are very popular. Many people around the world meet their friends online and chat with them using a social networking website. One of the best parts of the social network is that it can be used as a SEO place. There are many people all around the world discuss on some forums which can be used as a SEO place. It is a new opportunity for Search engine optimization strategy. There are thousands of social networking websites all around the world can be used as a SEO platform. These are some popular names, Face book, LinkedIn, Orkut, MySpace and Twitter etc. They can be used for Search Engine optimization.
Networking Groups : Search engine optimization on the Web casting sites is also very good because there are thousands of people search on Video and Audio streaming sites. These sites are mainly focused on the Music video and streaming services. But they are also a better social platform. For the Search engine optimization on any social networking site you must have a secure account on any social networking site. You have to be an active member of each of the social networking sites on which you want to do Search engine optimization. You must join several groups. Get friends and contact old friends and make new contacts on a periodic basis on these social networking sites. This is one of the best things you can do with your account on these social networking sites in addition to adding updated content of your site.
Link Building opportunities : You also have Link Building opportunities on these Social networking sites. You can do several important things using social networking page of your website. First all you need to do is to attract visitors to your Social networking page on the social networking site. Now use your Social networking page as a Pointer to your website. So when you will get visitors on your Social networking page you will also get people on your site using your page on any social networking site. It is important to attract a lot of Social networking page visitors, because some of these targeted visitors might click on your website link in the social page.
Link to your Site : Since social networking sites puts the rel no follow tag on their links that mean you cannot get search engine credit. There are sites like social networking sites and Google Profile and YouTube that put a rel no follow tag in the early stages of a page. Once the page has earned some trust and reputation on the social network, the rel no follow attribute is removed. It is very possible that social networking sites will adopt this kind of approach in the future. That will be a great step to increase the popularity of your site. Do not underestimate referral traffic from rel no followed links from social networking sites. If you have a lot of traffic for your social networking pages, then a lot of the visitors landing in your social networking page might purchase products or avail themselves of your services, so aside from getting a link, the referral traffic contributes to your website conversion rate from social network, which in some instances is more important than getting a link on social networking sites.
Join Discussions Groups : If you want to make a social network very effective for your website you must join different discussion groups. One of the important things to remember is when you join these discussions you must bring good and accurate information about anything they are discussing. Always provide quality feedback and try to help others as often as possible, which build relations with the discussion group members. Always try to be positive about your information.
Creating your online presence at social networks will take a lot of time and dedication to the work. If you work hard and build relations with the people then it will be good for your website. This is how you can use the social networking sites for SEO of any website. You can also use the Web Casting site for the SEO of your site because Web Casting sites are also a great platform for social network.
This is a Guest Post by Jenilia. He has an excellent knowledge on different types of network hacking techniques and hacking prevention
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