Monday 11 March 2013

20 Tips How to Increase your Blogger/Blogspot Traffic?

  • Participate in related Forum.
  • Bookmarking sites
  • Read and provide valuable comment on other blogs.
  • Submit blog site to search engines.
  • Add RSS subscription link like feedburner
  • Ping the blog when you have new post such as
  • Sign-up with StumbleUpon and download the toolbar.
  • Join
  • Submit article to ezines
  • Link exchange
  • Search engine optimizations (SEO)
  • Word of mouth
  • Provide rich contents in your blogs
  • Participate in Joint ventures
  • Publish your own ebook
  • Join Affiliate Networks
  • Buy links but not encourage
  • Email marketing
  • Media advertising
  • Per Per click advertisement such as Google Adwords, YPN and MSN
  • Do you have any other ideas?

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